Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life Begins at 50?

My last child is safely delivered to college...hopefully, she is and will stay safe.  2010 has been a year of excitement, chaos, dread, changes...good times, bad times.  I have been told by many friends to start a blog - I think mainly because they are tired of my posts and photos on Facebook.  So here I am.  It was easier to start this up than anticipated.  Of course, who knows what the end result will be...will anyone but me read it...will anyone comment...will I offend anyone...make anyone laugh or cry?

Well, that's not my purpose!  I'm not a professional writer...not even a rank amateur.  I love to read, I love to write, but I have no agenda.  I DO have lots of thoughts, ideas, interests though -- and unlike some who have started their own blog, I ask not what my blog can do for me, but what I can do for my blog!  Basically, I am thinking out   loud, but putting it in writing.  My facebook friends will be relieved.

I have lots of issues...turned 50 in May; empty nesting as a single parent; dealing with the love of my life working in another country the last 3 years; being laid off from a job I adored in March 2009 and my continuing job search.  Also, my constant battle with weight vs. a love for cooking and restaurants and wine and ice cream.  Especially wine and ice cream. 

Table for One is my search for separating myself from being an everyday mom and girlfriend.  In particular, learning to enjoy the empty nest, to take advantage of the opportunities around me, and being on my own.  Not being alone - I have tons of friends, plenty of interests, so I never feel lonely...just flying solo for now.

For the past 22 years, I've been a mom first.  PTO, sports, recitals, scouts, birthday parties, holidays -- everything has centered around my 2 kids.  I've been divorced for 10 years, and have done much of it alone.  I have a great friend and family support group - but you still deal with stuff on your own.  Of course, the empty nest has been looming for years - Divorced Dad weekends and holidays - I learned to enjoy my time  when it was his time with them; then with one in school for the past 3 years and one with a car for the past two years (as well as sports, school, job and a busy social life), I had adjusted to a certain amount of alone time!  Sure, you're around for the award banquets, the games, the before prom photos, going to court the first time for a ticket...but you are never really absolutely necessary - except for funds and the occasional late night climb in to bed to discuss a recent drama - or an infrequent bad dream.

So, I hope my posts will be interesting and entertain - something that speaks of being 50 child-free and female.  I want to discuss living in a town that celebrates youth and plastic surgery only second to L.A., but I also want to discuss gardening, coffee, wine, knitting, reading, new restaurants, hot chefs, to wax or not to wax, along with items that catch my whimsy.  If I figure out how to post photos, I'll eventually do that as well.  So if you find me here, hope you will enjoy!